Steps to Prepare for Gallbladder Surgery
Gallbladder removal surgery is one of the most common procedures in the United States, with more than 1.2 million of them performed every year. That being said, for this type of surgery to be successful, certain steps need to be taken before you come into the office. Not adhering to these steps may put you at risk of complications.

So, how do you make sure you are prepared to go through this procedure? Are there any special steps that you may have to take, or changes in your lifestyle that you’ll need to make? Read this blog to ensure that everything goes smoothly and ensure that you are not caught unprepared.
Why Is Gallbladder Surgery Done?
Gallbladder surgery is usually performed to treat gallstones along with the potential issues that they may cause. Dr. Patrick Moore may recommend gallbladder removal if you have chronic symptoms caused by gallstones or an inflamed gallbladder.
If you have large polyps on your gallbladder, it’s recommended that you have the gallbladder removed, as those polyps may turn cancerous. Gallstones may also lead to an inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis).
Steps to Take Before the Surgery
As with every surgical procedure, there are certain things that you need to do on the days before your surgery, including:
1. Stop Taking Certain Supplements or Medicine
Some medications may increase your risk of bleeding during surgery. As a result, Dr. Moore may recommend that you stop taking them, if possible. If it’s a type of medicine that you cannot go without, then alternatives may be found, as well. Consider booking an appointment with Dr. Moore first and tell him about all the supplements and medications that you are taking before changing any of your daily medications.

2. Don’t Eat or Drink Before the Surgery
Preoperative fasting is required for you to avoid certain complications associated with gallbladder surgery. As a result, you should refrain from eating or drinking anything at least four hours before your surgery. You may have a sip or two of water if you have medicine that you cannot skip, but other than that, you should keep your stomach empty. With that in mind, you should make sure to have a balanced diet during the days before the procedure so that your body is as strong and healthy as possible.
3. Don’t Smoke or Drink Alcohol
Just like you should avoid drinking water or eating food during the four hours leading up to the surgery, you should also stop your alcohol or nicotine consumption in the days before the procedure. The minimum time is at least 48 hours before the procedure, but the more time, the better, as both can lead to complications such as bleeding or swelling.
4. Take a Bath or Shower
Before you come into the surgical office, make sure that you take a bath or shower. While our healthcare professionals can help sterilize the site, it is always a good idea to remove grime and dead skin yourself. You should also make sure not to apply any perfumes, lotions, deodorant, or nail polish before your surgery, as these products may negatively interact with the procedure.
5. Bring an Overnight Bag
Gallbladder removal surgery patients are usually able to return home on the day of the procedure. With that in mind, complications can sometimes occur, requiring you to remain in the hospital overnight. Because of this, it is smart to bring comfortable clothing and other personal items, such as a toothbrush and some entertainment options (e.g., books) to pass the time.
The Bottom Line
As simple as it may seem, gallbladder removal procedures can be very tricky if you’re not prepared for them. Make sure to ask all the right questions about what you should and should not do before the procedure. Call Dr. Moore and set up an appointment for a consultation to find out more.
For more information about gallbladder removal surgery, you can contact Dr. Patrick Moore at 951-477-5700. He can provide all the information that you require at his practice in Murrieta.